Version: 2022.3


public BoxcastCommand (Vector3 center, Vector3 halfExtents, Quaternion orientation, Vector3 direction, QueryParameters queryParameters, float distance);


center 盒体的中心。
halfExtents The half size of the box in each dimension.
orientation The rotation of the box.
direction 扫射盒体的方向。
distance 投射的最大长度。
queryParameters Structure for specifying additional parameters for a batch query such as layer mask, hit triggers and hit backfaces.


创建 BoxcastCommand。

This command is run in the default physics scene.

public BoxcastCommand (PhysicsScene physicsScene, Vector3 center, Vector3 halfExtents, Quaternion orientation, Vector3 direction, QueryParameters queryParameters, float distance);


physicsScene The physics scene to run the command in.
center 盒体的中心。
halfExtents The half size of the box in each dimension.
orientation The rotation of the box.
direction 扫射盒体的方向。
distance 投射的最大长度。
queryParameters Structure for specifying additional parameters for a batch query such as layer mask, hit triggers and hit backfaces.


创建 BoxcastCommand。

Obsolete public BoxcastCommand (Vector3 center, Vector3 halfExtents, Quaternion orientation, Vector3 direction, float distance, int layerMask);


center 盒体的中心。
halfExtents The half size of the box in each dimension.
orientation The rotation of the box.
direction 扫射盒体的方向。
distance 投射的最大长度。
layerMask 用于在投射盒体时有选择地忽略碰撞体的 LayerMask。


创建 BoxcastCommand。

This command is run in the default physics scene.

Obsolete public BoxcastCommand (PhysicsScene physicsScene, Vector3 center, Vector3 halfExtents, Quaternion orientation, Vector3 direction, float distance, int layerMask);


physicsScene The physics scene to run the command in.
center 盒体的中心。
halfExtents The half size of the box in each dimension.
orientation The rotation of the box.
direction 扫射盒体的方向。
distance 投射的最大长度。
layerMask 用于在投射盒体时有选择地忽略碰撞体的 LayerMask。


创建 BoxcastCommand。

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