Version: 2022.3


struct in UnityEngine



A pair of Colliders that belong to the bodies in the parent ContactPairHeader struct.

Contains an array of ContactPairPoints that can be retrieved using the GetContactPoint method.


ColliderThe first Collider component of the ContactPair.
ColliderInstanceIDInstance ID of the first Collider in the ContactPair.
ContactCountThe number of ContactPairPoints that this pair contains.
ImpulseSumTotal impulse sum of the pair.
IsCollisionEnterWhether or not this pair is equivalent to a pair reported in MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionEnter events.
IsCollisionExitWhether or not this pair is equivalent to a pair reported in MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionExit events.
IsCollisionStayWhether or not this pair is equivalent to a pair reported in MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionStay events.
OtherColliderThe second Collider component of the ContactPair.
OtherColliderInstanceIDInstance ID of the second Collider in the ContactPair.


CopyToNativeArrayCopies the internal ContactPairPoint buffer to the provided buffer.
GetContactPointGets the ContactPairPoint at the provided index of this pair.
GetContactPointFaceIndexGet the index of a face that a particular contact point belongs to in this ContactPairPoint.
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