Version: 2023.1
Feature sets
3D World Building feature set

2D feature set

The 2D feature set provides creators of 2D experiences in Unity with features covering Foundations, World-building, Animation, Graphics and Physics. Use the 2D feature set to:

  • Import images including multi-layered Photoshop files as Sprites and configure them for use in 2D games.
  • Create freeform, tile-based and spline-based 2D game worlds.
  • Create frame-by-frame and bone-based animated characters.
  • Use 2D physics to support simulations with colliders and joints.
  • Create a range of 2D art styles, including pixel art.



The 2D feature set contains the following packages:


Asset Store

Package samples

The following packages have package samples.

These are visible in the Package Manager in the Samples sections when you select the package.

Related forums

Public roadmap

Find out about upcoming features for 2D development in the 2D roadmap.

Feature sets
3D World Building feature set
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