Version: 2023.1

Using Lights

Lights are easy to use in Unity - you need to create a light of the desired type (for example, from the menu GameObject > Light > Point Light) and place it where you want it in the scene. If you enable scene view lighting (the “lightbulb” button on the toolbar) then you can see a preview of how the lighting will look as you move light objects and set their parameters.

A directional light can be placed anywhere in the scene (unless it’s using a Cookie) with the forward/Z axis indicating the direction. A Spot Light also has a direction but since it has a limited range, its position does matter. The shape parameters of spot, point, and area lights can be adjusted from the inspector or by using the lights’ Gizmos directly in the scene view.

A Spot Light with Gizmos visible
A Spot Light with Gizmos visible

Guidelines for Placing Lights

方向光通常代表太阳并且对场景的外观具有显著影响。光线方向应略微向下,但您通常需要确保光线与场景中的主要对象形成一个小角度。例如,对于一个大致形状为立方体的对象,如果光线未正面照射立方体的任何一面,该立方体的着色将更有趣并会在 3D 模式下显得“突出”得多。


Color and Intensity


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