Version: 2023.1
public static Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe.FileHandle OpenFileAsync (string fileName);


fileName The path to the file to be opened.


FileHandle The FileHandle of the file being opened. Use the FileHandle to check the status of the open operation, to read the file, and to close the file when done.


Opens the file asynchronously.

Note: WebGL builds do not support using AsyncReadManager to open files from a remote web server; for example, from the path Application.streamingAssetsPath which maps to a URL on a remote web server.

using System.IO;
using Unity.IO.LowLevel.Unsafe;
using UnityEngine;

class AsyncOpenSample : MonoBehaviour { FileHandle fileHandle; public unsafe void Start() { string filePath = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "myfile.bin");

fileHandle = AsyncReadManager.OpenFileAsync(filePath); }

public unsafe void Update() { if (fileHandle.IsValid() && fileHandle.JobHandle.IsCompleted) { fileHandle.Close().Complete(); } } }
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