Version: 2023.2
2D feature set

Feature sets

Feature sets are groups of packages that enable you to achieve specific results in Unity. For example, the 2D feature set provides all the functionality you need to create 2D games for various art styles.

All the packages in a feature set are compatible with each other for that version of the feature set. You can install feature sets using the Package Manager.

The following feature sets are available in this release of Unity:

  • 2D: Create 2D game worlds with animated characters and 2D physics.
  • 3D World Building: Use artist-friendly tools to create 3D, open-world environments that are believable and interactive.
  • 3D Characters and Animation: Animate characters and create cutscenes, sequences or movies.
  • Gameplay and Storytelling: Create dynamic camera shots, and arrange cinematic content to create a story for your project.
  • Mobile: Optimize your apps for mobile devices.
  • AR: Create augmented reality experiences that interact with the real world.
  • VR: Add interactivity to your applications to create virtual reality experiences.
  • Cinematic Studio: Create films, TV shows, and other animated linear content.
  • Engineering: Enable support for integrated development environments, and use tools to test and analyze your project’s performance.

For information about how to find what a specific feature set contains, see Features (detail) view.

For information about how to install feature sets in the Package Manager, see Installing a feature set.

2D feature set
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