Version: 2023.2


struct in UnityEngine.Animations



Defines an animatable property on a Unity Component.

GenericBinding and BoundProperty are classes for animating properties on objects in a completely generic way.

See also GenericBindingUtility.


customTypeIDThe internal ID for custom animation bindings.
isDiscreteThis property is true when the GenericBinding target is an animatable public integer.
isObjectReferenceThis property is True when this GenericBinding target is an animatable Unity object reference, such as a sprite.
isSerializeReferenceThis property is True when this GenericBinding target is a serialized reference property.
propertyNameHashHash ID that represents the name of the property.
scriptInstanceIDThe instance ID of the script.
transformPathHashHash ID that represents the transform path. Use this property to locate the component in the transform hierarchy.
typeIDThe Unity component type ID.
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