Version: 2023.2


public static void ReplacePrefabAssetOfPrefabInstances (GameObject[] prefabInstanceRoots, GameObject prefabAssetRoot, InteractionMode mode);
public static void ReplacePrefabAssetOfPrefabInstances (GameObject[] prefabInstanceRoots, GameObject prefabAssetRoot, PrefabReplacingSettings settings, InteractionMode mode);


prefabInstanceRoots The Prefab instance roots that will have their Prefab Asset replaced.
prefabAssetRoot The new Prefab Asset used for the Prefab instances.
mode The interaction mode used.
settings The settings used to control the details of the replacements.


Replace the Prefab Asset for an array of Prefab instances that exists in Scenes or for nested Prefab instances inside another Prefab.

This function is similar to the ReplacePrefabAssetOfPrefabInstance method, except it will perform the operation on each of the Prefab instances in the input.

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