Base class to derive custom property attributes for collections from. Use this to create custom attributes for array and list variables in scripts.
自定义特性可以与自定义 PropertyDrawer 类连接,以控制具有该特性的脚本变量如何在 Inspector 中显示。
using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.UIElements; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class Collection : MonoBehaviour { public int before; [GreenCollectionDrawer] public int[] collection; public int after; }
public class GreenCollectionDrawerAttribute : PropertyCollectionAttribute { }
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(GreenCollectionDrawerAttribute))] public class GreenCollectionDrawer : PropertyDrawer { public override VisualElement CreatePropertyGUI(SerializedProperty property) { return new PropertyField(property) { style = { backgroundColor = } }; } }
另请参阅:PropertyDrawer 类。
order | 可选字段,用于指定多个 DecorationDrawer 应采用的绘制顺序。 |