Version: 5.6



A particle system explosion during development
A particle system explosion during development





Starting with the default particle system object (menu: GameObject > Create General > Particle System), go to the Shape module and set the emitter shape to a small Sphere, say about 0.5 units in radius. The particles in the standard assets include a material called Fire Add which is very suitable for explosions (menu: Assets > Import Package > Particles). You can set this material for the system using the Renderer module. With the Renderer open, you should also disable Cast Shadows and Receive Shadows since the explosion flames are supposed to give out light rather than receive it.

At this stage, the system looks like lots of little fireballs being thrown out from a central point. The explosion should, of course, create a burst with lots of particles all at once. In the Emission module, you can set the Rate value to zero and add a single Burst of particles at time zero. The number of particles in the burst will depend on the size and intensity you want your explosion to have but a good starting point is about fifty particles. With the burst set up, the system is now starting to look much more like and explosion but it is rather slow and the flames seem to hang around for a long time. In the Particle System module (which will have the same name as the GameObject, eg, “Explosion”), set both the Duration of the system and the Start Lifetime of the particles to two seconds.

You can also use the Size Over Lifetime module to create the effect of the flames using up their fuel. Set the size curve using the “ramp down” preset (ie, the size starts off at 100% and reduces to zero. To make the flames darken and fade, enable the Color Over Lifetime module and set the gradient to start with white at the left and finish with black at the right. Since the Fire Add material uses and additive shader for rendering, the darkness of the color property also controls the transparency of the particle; the flame’s will become fully transparent as the color fades to black. Also, the additive material allows the brightness of particles to “add” together as they are drawn on top of each other. This helps to further enhance the impression of a bright flash at the start of the explosion when the particles are all close together.

到目前为止,爆炸初步成形,但看起来好像是在太空中发生爆炸。粒子首先被发射出来,然后在消失之前以恒定速度长距离行进。如果游戏设定是在太空中,那么这种效果是很贴切的。但是,在大气中发生的爆炸会被周围的空气减缓和减弱。启用 Limit Velocity Over Lifetime 模块,然后将 Speed 设置为大约 3.0 并将 Dampen 分数设置为大约 0.4,这样应该会看到爆炸发生后逐渐失去一些能量。

最后要注意的是,当粒子从爆炸中心移开时,它们各自的形状变得更容易识别。也就是说,此时会看到所有粒子具有相同的大小和相同旋转,感觉很明显每个粒子重复使用了相同的图形。为了避免这种情况,一种简单方法是在粒子生成时为粒子的大小和旋转添加一些随机变化。在检视面板顶部的粒子系统模块中,单击 Start SizeStart Rotation 属性右侧的小箭头,并将这两者均设置为 Random Between Two Constants。对于旋转,请将两个值设置为 0 和 360(即完全随机旋转)。对于大小,请将值设置为 0.5 和 1.5 以便呈现一些变化,而不会有太多巨大或微小粒子的风险。现在将会看到,粒子图形的重复问题现在已经不显示。


在测试过程中,开启 Looping 属性很有用,这样可以反复看到爆炸,但在已完成的游戏中,应关闭该属性,使爆炸只发生一次。为有可能爆炸的对象(例如油箱)设计爆炸时,需要将粒子系统组件添加到该对象并禁用 Play On Awake 属性。然后,可根据需要从脚本中启用爆炸。

    void Explode() {
            var exp = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
            Destroy(gameObject, exp.duration);

在其他一些情况下,爆炸发生在撞击点。如果爆炸来自对象(例如手榴弹),则可在延迟一段时间后或在与目标接触时调用上述 Explode 函数。

    // 手榴弹经过一段延迟时间后爆炸。
        public float fuseTime;

        void Start() {
            Invoke("Explode", fuseTime);

        // 手榴弹在撞击时爆炸。
        void OnCollisionEnter(Collision coll) {


    // 在爆炸对象上。
        void Start() {
            var exp = GetComponent<ParticleSystem>();
            Destroy(gameObject, exp.duration);

        public GameObject explosionPrefab;

        void Update() {
            RaycastHit hit;

            if (Physics.Raycast (Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition), out hit)) {
                Instantiate (explosionPrefab, hit.point, Quaternion.identity);




此处一些属性设置为随机值,但是其他许多属性有 Random Between Two Constants/Curves 选项,因此可通过各种方式添加变化。改变大小和旋转有助于避免最明显的粒子重复效果,但也可以考虑在 Start DelayStart LifetimeStart Speed 属性中添加一些随机性。少量的变化有助于使爆炸看起来更像是一种“自然”和不可预测的效果,而非受控的机械过程。较大的变化表明是“脏”爆炸。例如,改变 Start Delay 将产生不再剧烈而爆发速度更慢的爆炸,比如可能是因为车辆中的油箱被单独点燃。

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