本页介绍将 Light 组件的 Mode 属性设置为 Realtime 时该组件的行为。这类光源称为实时光源。
Unity 会在运行时为实时光源执行光照计算,每帧进行一次。您可以在运行时更改实时光源的属性,从而创建诸如闪烁的灯泡或穿过暗室的火炬之类的效果。
- Realtime Lights cast shadows up to the Shadow Distance.
- By default, Realtime Lights contribute only realtime direct lighting to a Scene. If you’re using the Built-in Render PipelineA series of operations that take the contents of a Scene, and displays them on a screen. Unity lets you choose from pre-built render pipelines, or write your own. More info
See in Glossary and you enable Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination in your Project, Realtime Lights also contribute realtime indirect lighting to your Scene.
- 为实时光源执行运行时计算可能成本很高,尤其是在复杂场景中或低端硬件上。
- 由于实时光源在默认情况下仅为场景提供直接光照,因此阴影看起来完全是黑色的,并且没有任何间接光照效果(例如颜色反弹)。这可能会导致场景中的光照不真实。