Version: 1.3
语言 : 中文
Build Unity projects from the Command Line
Introduction ArmLinux Dedicated Server

ArmLinux Dedicated Server

Tuanjie provides support for development of games and applications on the ArmLinux Dedicated Server platform. You can publish multiplayer games using ArmLinux Dedicated Server platform on Linux systems based on the aarch64 architecture..

Refer to the following sections to get started with development on ArmLinux Dedicated Server platform.

Topic Description
Introduction to ArmLinux Dedicated Server Introduces key concepts that are useful to understand before you begin to develop an application for ArmLinux Dedicated Server.
Player Setting of ArmLinux Dedicated Server Provides information on the requirements, settings, and build target optimizations before you build an application for ArmLinux Dedicated Server platform.
Build your application for Dedicated Server Describes how to create a build for ArmLinux Dedicated Server platform.


Build Unity projects from the Command Line
Introduction ArmLinux Dedicated Server