The EditorWindow which currently has keyboard focus. (Read Only)
can be null if no window has focus.
See Also: mouseOverWindow, Focus.
Focus other windows with a mouse click.
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.UIElements; // Print the name of the focused window to a label. public class FocusedWindow : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Examples/Focused Window")] public static void ShowExample() { FocusedWindow wnd = GetWindow<FocusedWindow>(); wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("Focused Window Example"); } public void CreateGUI() { var label = new Label(); rootVisualElement.Add(label); EditorApplication.update += UpdateLabel; void UpdateLabel() { label.text = EditorWindow.focusedWindow != null ? EditorWindow.focusedWindow.ToString() : "No focused window"; } } }