Version: 2017.1
Configurando Performance Reporting (reporte de rendimiento)
Servicios Multiplayer

Entendiendo reportes de excepción

Las excepciones que ocurren durante tiempo de ejecución son flagged en la consola como normal. Con el Performance Reporting habilitado, estas excepciones serán también reportadas a la tabla de comandos de Performance Reporting.

La tabla de comandos se accede en linea vía su explorador de Internet. Para verlo, abra el panel Performance Reporting en el Editor de Unity y seleccione Go to Dashboard:

La tabla de comandos muestra una lista de sus excepciones más recientes. Para más información acerca de una excepción específica oprima la excepción para expandir la vista:

La versión expandida le muestra el mensaje de consola, el stack trace, un timeline de ocurrencia, las versiones afectadas de su juego, los sistemas operativos afectados, y los dispositivos afectados.

Manage Symbols tab

Symbol files are required to provide human-readable stack traces for native crash events. Normally, your project’s symbol files are uploaded automatically as part of the build process when you have the Performance Reporting service enabled. However, if something goes wrong in this process and you’re seeing a “symbols missing” message in your native crash events, you can try to upload the corresponding symbol files from your build here. You can upload individual symbol files or combine multiple files into a zip file and upload them together.

The symbol upload processor can handle the following formats:

  • Mach-O: iOS/OSX, a .dSYM folder
  • ELF: Android/Linux, a .so file
  • PDB: Windows, a .pdb file

The UUID or GUID identifier of your symbol file must match what the dashboard is showing as missing in order for symbolication to be successful. Tools such as dwarfdump -u (OSX) and readelf -n (Linux) can help you check these. Some tools report the UUID with dashes in it, but the dashes and the casing are not important as long as the bytes of the identifier match those shown on the dashboard.

  • 2017–09–04 Page amended with limited editorial review
  • Added Manage Symbols tab in Unity 5.6
Configurando Performance Reporting (reporte de rendimiento)
Servicios Multiplayer
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