Version: 2017.1


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public static void DrawDottedLines (Vector3[] lineSegments, float screenSpaceSize);


lineSegments A list of pairs of points that represent the start and end of line segments.
screenSpaceSize The size in pixels for the lengths of the line segments and the gaps between them.


Draw a list of dotted line segments.

"Draw multiple dotted lines in sceneview.".

// Draw lines to the connected game objects that a script has.
// if the target object doesn't have any game objects attached
// then it draws a line from the object to 0,0,0.

using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic;

[CustomEditor(typeof(ConnectedLineObjects))] class ConnectDottedLineHandle : Editor { float dashSize = 4.0f; void OnSceneGUI() { ConnectedLineObjects connectedObjects = target as ConnectedLineObjects; if (connectedObjects.objs == null || connectedObjects.objs.Length == 0) return; // we store the start and end points of the line segments in this array Vector3[] lineSegments = new Vector3[connectedObjects.objs.Length * 2];

int lastObject = connectedObjects.objs.Length - 1; Vector3 prevPoint; if (connectedObjects.objs[lastObject]) { prevPoint = connectedObjects.objs[lastObject].transform.position; } else { prevPoint =; } int pointIndex = 0; for (int currObjectIndex = 0; currObjectIndex < connectedObjects.objs.Length; currObjectIndex++) { // find the position of our connected object and store it Vector3 currPoint; if (connectedObjects.objs[currObjectIndex]) { currPoint = connectedObjects.objs[currObjectIndex].transform.position; } else { currPoint =; }

// store the starting point of the line segment lineSegments[pointIndex] = prevPoint; pointIndex++;

// store the ending point of the line segment lineSegments[pointIndex] = currPoint; pointIndex++;

prevPoint = currPoint; } Handles.DrawDottedLines(lineSegments, dashSize); } }

And the script attached to this Handle:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ConnectedLineObjects : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject[] objs = null;

public static void DrawDottedLines (Vector3[] points, int[] segmentIndices, float screenSpaceSize);


points A list of points.
segmentIndices A list of pairs of indices to the start and end points of the line segments.
screenSpaceSize The size in pixels for the lengths of the line segments and the gaps between them.


Draw a list of indexed dotted line segments.

// Draw lines to the connected game objects that a script has.
// if the target object doesn't have any game objects attached
// then it draws a line from the object to 0,0,0.

using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine; using System.Collections.Generic;

[CustomEditor(typeof(ConnectedLinesObjects))] class ConnectDottedLinesHandle : Editor { float dashSize = 4.0f; void OnSceneGUI() { ConnectedLinesObjects connectedObjects = target as ConnectedLinesObjects; if (connectedObjects.objs == null || connectedObjects.objs.Length == 0) return;

// we store the points of the line segments in this array Vector3[] points = new Vector3[connectedObjects.objs.Length];

// for each line segment we need two indices into the points array: // the index to the start and the end point int[] segmentIndices = new int[connectedObjects.objs.Length * 2];

// create the points and line segments indices int prevIndex = connectedObjects.objs.Length - 1; int pointIndex = 0; int segmentIndex = 0; for (int currIndex = 0; currIndex < connectedObjects.objs.Length; currIndex++) { // find the position of our connected object and store it if (connectedObjects.objs[pointIndex]) { points[pointIndex] = connectedObjects.objs[currIndex].transform.position; } else { points[pointIndex] =; }

// the index to the start of the line segment segmentIndices[segmentIndex] = prevIndex; segmentIndex++;

// the index to the end of the line segment segmentIndices[segmentIndex] = pointIndex; segmentIndex++;

pointIndex++; prevIndex = currIndex; } Handles.DrawDottedLines(points, segmentIndices, dashSize); } }

And the script attached to this Handle:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ConnectedLinesObjects : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject[] objs = null;
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