Version: 2017.2
Low-level Native Plugin Interface
Low-level native plugin Shader compiler access

Extensiones de rendering de plugins nativos de bajo nivel

Además de la interfaz de plugin nativo de bajo nivel, Unity también admite extensiones de rendering de bajo nivel que pueden recibir callbacks cuando ocurren ciertos eventos. Esto se usa principalmente para implementar y controlar el rendering de bajo nivel en su complemento y permitir que funcione con el rendering de varios hilos de Unity.

Due to the low-level nature of this extension the plugin might need to be preloaded before the devices get created. Currently the convention is name-based namely the plugin name must be prefixed by “GfxPlugin”. Example: GfxPluginMyFancyNativePlugin.

The rendering extension definition exposed by Unity is to be found in IUnityRenderingExtensions.h and it’s provided with the editor.

These extensions are supported on all platforms supporting native plugins.

API de Extensiones de Rendering

In order to take advantage of the rendering extension, a plugin should export UnityRenderingExtEvent and optionally UnityRenderingExtQuery. There is a lot of documentation provided inside the include file.

Plugin callbacks en el hilo de rendering

A plugin will get called via UnityRenderingExtEvent whenever one of the builtin events is triggered by Unity. The callbacks can also be added to CommandBuffers via CommandBuffer.IssuePluginEventAndData or CommandBuffer.IssuePluginCustomBlit command from scripts.

Low-level Native Plugin Interface
Low-level native plugin Shader compiler access
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