Version: 2017.3
public static void DrawMeshNow (Mesh mesh, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation);
public static void DrawMeshNow (Mesh mesh, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, int materialIndex);
public static void DrawMeshNow (Mesh mesh, Matrix4x4 matrix);
public static void DrawMeshNow (Mesh mesh, Matrix4x4 matrix, int materialIndex);


mesh The Mesh to draw.
position Position of the mesh.
rotation Rotation of the mesh.
matrix Transformation matrix of the mesh (combines position, rotation and other transformations). Note that the mesh will not be displayed correctly if matrix has negative scale.
materialIndex Subset of the mesh to draw.


Draw a mesh immediately.

This function will draw a given mesh immediately. Currently set shader and material (see Material.SetPass) will be used.

The mesh will be just drawn once, it won't be per-pixel lit and will not cast or receive realtime shadows. If you want full integration with lighting and shadowing, use Graphics.DrawMesh instead.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// Attach this script to a Camera public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { public Mesh mesh; public Material mat; public void OnPostRender() { // set first shader pass of the material mat.SetPass(0); // draw mesh at the origin Graphics.DrawMeshNow(mesh,, Quaternion.identity); } }
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