Version: 2017.3
public Texture texture ;


The RawImage's texture.

Use this to alter or return the Texture the RawImage displays. The Raw Image can display any Texture whereas an Image component can only show a Sprite Texture.

Note : Keep in mind that using a RawImage creates an extra draw call with each RawImage present, so it's best to use it only for backgrounds or temporary visible graphics.

//Create a new RawImage by going to Create>UI>Raw Image in the hierarchy.
//Attach this script to the RawImage GameObject.

using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI;

public class RawImageTexture : MonoBehaviour { RawImage m_RawImage; //Select a Texture in the Inspector to change to public Texture m_Texture;

void Start() { //Fetch the RawImage component from the GameObject m_RawImage = GetComponent<RawImage>(); //Change the Texture to be the one you define in the Inspector m_RawImage.texture = m_Texture; } }
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