Version: 2018.4
GUI Layer (Legacy)
Writing Surface Shaders

Referencia del Shader

Shaders in the built-in render pipeline in Unity are written in the following ways:

  • as surface shaders,
  • as vertex and fragment shaders, or
  • as fixed function shaders.

To determine which shader best fits your needs, consult the shader tutorial.

Regardless of type, shader code is always wrapped by the ShaderLab language, which organizes the shader structure. Here is an example of creating ShaderLab wrapper without shader code:

Shader "MyShader" {
    Properties {
        _MyTexture ("My Texture", 2D) = "white" { }
        // place other properties here, such as colors or vectors.
    SubShader {
        // place the shader code here for your:
        // - surface shader,
        // - vertex and program shader, or
        // - fixed function shader
    SubShader {
        // a simpler version of the subshader above goes here.
        // this version is for supporting older graphics cards.

To learn about shader basics and fixed function shaders, consult the ShaderLab syntax section. For other supported shader types, see either Writing Surface Shaders or Writing vertex and fragment shaders. You can also use post-processing effects with shaders to create full-screen filters and other interesting effects.

Véase también

GUI Layer (Legacy)
Writing Surface Shaders
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