Version: 2018.4
Recording basic animation with an Infinite clip
Creando una animación humanoide

Converting an Infinite clip to an Animation clip

An Infinite clip appears as a dopesheet. An Infinite clip cannot be positioned, trimmed, or split because it does not have a defined size. To position, trim, split, or perform other clip manipulations on an Infinite clip, it must first be converted to an Animation clip.

An infinite clip cannot be positioned, trimmed, or split. Click the Track menu (circled) to convert an Infinite clip.
An infinite clip cannot be positioned, trimmed, or split. Click the Track menu (circled) to convert an Infinite clip.

To convert an Infinite clip to an Animation clip, click the Track menu icon and select Convert to Clip Track. You can also Right-click the track and select Convert to Clip Track from the context menu. The Track menu and context menu are the same.

An infinite clip after it has been converted to an Animation clip
An infinite clip after it has been converted to an Animation clip

Recording basic animation with an Infinite clip
Creando una animación humanoide
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