Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


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cameraCamera to cull for.
renderLoopRender loop the culling results will be used with.
resultsCulling results.

Valor de retorno

void Flag indicating whether culling succeeded.


Perform culling for a Camera.

This function is the same as calling GetCullingParameters for a camera, followed by a call to Cull that takes these culling parameters. Camera's transform, projection parameters and other flags that might affect culling are used.

Cull returns false if camera is invalid to render (empty viewport rectangle, invalid clip plane setup etc.).

Culling results are bound to a RenderLoop they will be used with; memory used by culling results is released once the render loop is finished.

See Also: CullResults, RenderLoop.


parametersParameters for culling.
renderLoopRender loop the culling results will be used with.

Valor de retorno

void Culling results.


Perform culling with custom CullingParameters.

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