Version: 2019.1
Curves view
Navigating the Curves view

Hiding and showing curves

For the selected Animation clip, the Curves view includes a hierarchical list of the properties with animation curves. Expand, collapse, select, and deselect the properties in this list to filter which animation curves show in the Curves view.

For example, to show only the X-axis animation curves for the position of a GameObject, expand Position, select the Position.x property, and then press F to frame the animation curve for the Position.x property.

Vista de curvas que muestra la curva de animación de la propiedad Position.x
Vista de curvas que muestra la curva de animación de la propiedad Position.x

There are many ways to expand, collapse, select, and deselect animation curves:

  • Haga clic en el icono Triángulo de una propiedad primaria para expandir y contraer su lista de propiedades secundarias.

  • Mantenga presionada la tecla Shift y haga clic para seleccionar propiedades contiguas.

  • Mantenga pulsado Comando/Control y haga clic para seleccionar propiedades no contiguas. Mantenga presionada Command/Control y haga clic en una propiedad seleccionada para anular su selección.

Curves view
Navigating the Curves view
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