Version: 2019.1
Expert guides

New in Unity 2019.1

Search Unity User Manual: [New in Unity 2019.1]

To find User Manual pages on new and updated features in Unity 2019.1, click on the link above or search for “NewIn20191”.

This lists User Manual pages containing Unity 2019.1’s:

  • nuevas características
  • cambios en el comportamiento existente de una característica
  • nuevas adiciones al comportamiento de una característica
  • funcionalidad obsoleta

Notas de lanzamiento

To find out more about the new features, changes, and improvements to this Unity version, see the 2019.1 Release Notes.

Guía de actualización

If you are upgrading existing projects from an earlier version to 2019.1, read the Upgrade Guide to 2019.1 for information about how your project may be affected.

Expert guides
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