Version: 2019.2
IME en Unity
Reusing Assets between Projects

Nombres de carpetas de especiales

Normalmente, puede elegir cualquier nombre que desee para las carpetas que cree para organizar su proyecto de Unity. Sin embargo, hay varios nombres de carpeta que Unity interpreta como una instrucción que el contenido de la carpeta debe ser tratado de una manera especial. Por ejemplo, debe colocar scripts de Editor en una carpeta denominada Editor para que funcionen correctamente.

Esta página contiene la lista completa de nombres de carpetas especiales usados por Unity.


La carpeta Assets es la carpeta principal que contiene los assets que pueden ser utilizados por un proyecto de Unity. El contenido de la ventana del Proyecto (Project view) corresponden directamente a los contenidos de la carpeta Assets. La mayoría de funciones API asume que todo está ubicado en la carpeta Assets por lo que no requieren que sean mencionados explícitamente. Sin embargo, algunas funciones necesitan tener la carpeta Assets incluida como parte del nombre de una ruta (por ejemplo ciertas funciones en la clase AssetDatabase).


Scripts placed in a folder called Editor are treated as Editor scripts rather than runtime scripts. These scripts add functionality to the Editor during development, and are not available in builds at runtime.

You can have multiple Editor folders placed anywhere inside the Assets folder. Place your Editor scripts inside an Editor folder or a subfolder within it.

The exact location of an Editor folder affects the time at which its scripts will be compiled relative to other scripts (see documentation on Special Folders and Script Compilation Order for a full description of this). Use the EditorGUIUtility.Load function in Editor scripts to load Assets from a Resources folder within an Editor folder. These Assets can only be loaded via Editor scripts, and are stripped from builds.

Nota: Unity no permite que los componentes derivados de MonoBehaviour sean asignados a GameObjects si los scripts están en la carpeta Editor.

Recursos predeterminados del Editor

Editor scripts can make use of Asset files loaded on-demand using the EditorGUIUtility.Load function. This function looks for the Asset files in a folder called Editor Default Resources.

You can only have one Editor Default Resources folder and it must be placed in the root of the Project; directly within the Assets folder. Place the needed Asset files in this Editor Default Resources folder or a subfolder within it. Always include the subfolder path in the path passed to the EditorGUIUtility.Load function if your Asset files are in subfolders.


Gizmos allow you to add graphics to the Scene View to help visualise design details that are otherwise invisible. The Gizmos.DrawIcon function places an icon in the Scene to act as a marker for a special object or position. You must place the image file used to draw this icon in a folder called Gizmos in order for it to be located by the DrawIcon function.

You can only have one Gizmos folder and it must be placed in the root of the Project; directly within the Assets folder. Place the needed Asset files in this Gizmos folder or a subfolder within it. Always include the subfolder path in the path passed to the Gizmos.DrawIcon function if your Asset files are in subfolders.


You can load Assets on-demand from a script instead of creating instances of Assets in a Scene for use in gameplay. You do this by placing the Assets in a folder called Resources. Load these Assets by using the Resources.Load function.

You can have multiple Resources folders placed anywhere inside the Assets folder. Place the needed Asset files in a Resources folder or a subfolder within it. Always include the subfolder path in the path passed to the Resources.Load function if your Asset files are in subfolders.

Note that if the Resources folder is an Editor subfolder, the Assets in it are loadable from Editor scripts but are stripped from builds.

Standard Assets

Cuando usted importe un paquete de standard assets (menú: Assets > Import Package) los assets son colocados en una carpeta llamada Standard Assets. Al igual que contener los assets, estas carpetas también tienen un efecto en el orden de compilación scripts; mire la página acerca de carpetas especiales y orden de compilación scripts por detalles adicionales.

You can only have one Standard Assets folder and it must be placed in the root of the Project; directly within the Assets folder. Place the needed Assets files in this Standard Assets folder or a subfolder within it.


You may want the Asset to be available as a separate file in its original format although it is more common to directly incorporate Assets into a build. For example, you need to access a video file from the filesystem rather than use it as a MovieTexture to play that video on iOS. Place a file in a folder called StreamingAssets, so it is copied unchanged to the target machine, where it is then available from a specific folder. See the page about Streaming Assets for further details.

You can only have one StreamingAssets folder and it must be placed in the root of the Project; directly within the Assets folder. Place the needed Assets files in this StreamingAssets folder or a subfolder within it. Always include the subfolder path in the path used to reference the streaming asset if your Asset files are in subfolders.

Hidden Assets

Durante el proceso de importación, Unity completamente ignora los siguientes archivos y carpetas en la carpeta Assets (o una sub-carpeta dentro de esta):

  • Hidden folders (carpetas ocultas).
  • Archivos y carpetas que empiezan con ‘.’.
  • Archivos y carpetas que terminan con ‘.’.
  • Archivos y carpetas llamadas cvs.
  • Archivos con una extensión .tmp.

Esto se utiliza para prevenir que se importen archivos especiales y temporales creados por el sistema operativo u otras aplicaciones.

IME en Unity
Reusing Assets between Projects
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