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La aplicación de la plataforma se está ejecutando. Retornado por Application.platform.

Note: The difference between using RuntimePlatform and Platform dependent Compilation is that using RuntimePlatform is evaluated at runtime while Platform dependent Compilation is evaluated at compile time. So if you can use platform dependent compilation, don't hesitate to use it. In most cases, you can get the same functionality using both, and using the defines will produce smaller and faster code, as you don't need to check at runtime. There are some cases where RuntimePlatform is needed at runtime.


OSXEditorIn the Unity editor on macOS.
OSXPlayerIn the player on macOS.
WindowsPlayerEn el player en Windows.
WindowsEditorEn el editor de Unity en Windows.
IPhonePlayerEn el player en el iPhone.
AndroidEn el player en dispositivos Android.
LinuxPlayerEn el player en Linux.
LinuxEditorIn the Unity editor on Linux.
WebGLPlayerIn the player on WebGL
WSAPlayerX86En el player en Windows Store Apps cuando la arquitectura de CPU es x86.
WSAPlayerX64En el player en Windows Store Apps cuando la arquitectura CPU es x64.
WSAPlayerARMEn el player en Windows Store Apps cuando la arquitectura CPU es ARM.
PS4En el player en Playstation 4.
XboxOneEn el player en Xbox One.
tvOSEn el player en el tvOS de Apple.
SwitchIn the player on Nintendo Switch.
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