Version: 2019.4
Troubleshooting on iOS devices

Reportando bugs de falla en iOS

Antes de enviar un bug report, por favor revisar la página iOS Troubleshooting, dónde usted va a encontrar soluciones a fallas comunes y otros problemas.

Si su aplicación falla en el depurador de Xcode entonces usted puede agregar información valiosa a su bug report como sigue:-

  1. Click Continue (Debug > Continue) twice
  2. Open the debugger console (View > Debug Area > Activate Console) and enter (in the console): thread backtrace all
  3. Copy all console output and send it together with your bug report.

Similarly, when reporting app freezes, you can click Pause and do the above steps.

If your application crashes on the iOS device, you should retrieve the crash report. For more information, see Acquiring Crash and Low Memory Reports on Apple’s developer website. Please attach the crash report, your built application and console log to your bug report before submitting.

Troubleshooting on iOS devices
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