public static Build.Reporting.BuildReport BuildPlayer (BuildPlayerOptions buildPlayerOptions);


buildPlayerOptionsProvide various options to control the behavior of BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer.

Valor de retorno

BuildReport A BuildReport giving build process information.


Construye un player.

Use this function to programatically create a build of your project. Note that any references to GameObjects acquired in the editor script before the BuildPlayer call will be invalid after it and will need to be reacquired.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor.Build.Reporting;

// Output the build size or a failure depending on BuildPlayer.

public class BuildPlayerExample : MonoBehaviour { [MenuItem("Build/Build iOS")] public static void MyBuild() { BuildPlayerOptions buildPlayerOptions = new BuildPlayerOptions(); buildPlayerOptions.scenes = new[] { "Assets/Scene1.unity", "Assets/Scene2.unity" }; buildPlayerOptions.locationPathName = "iOSBuild"; = BuildTarget.iOS; buildPlayerOptions.options = BuildOptions.None;

BuildReport report = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(buildPlayerOptions); BuildSummary summary = report.summary;

if (summary.result == BuildResult.Succeeded) { Debug.Log("Build succeeded: " + summary.totalSize + " bytes"); }

if (summary.result == BuildResult.Failed) { Debug.Log("Build failed"); } } }

public static Build.Reporting.BuildReport BuildPlayer (string[] levels, string locationPathName, BuildTarget target, BuildOptions options);
public static Build.Reporting.BuildReport BuildPlayer (EditorBuildSettingsScene[] levels, string locationPathName, BuildTarget target, BuildOptions options);


scenesThe Scenes to include in the build. If empty, the build only includes the currently open Scene. Paths are relative to the project folder (Assets/MyLevels/MyScene.unity).
locationPathNameLa ruta donde la aplicación será construida.
targetEl BuildTarget en construirse.
optionsUnas BuildOptions adicionales, como si ejecutar el player construido.

Valor de retorno

BuildReport Un mensaje de error si un error ocurrió.


Builds a player. These overloads are still supported, but will be replaced. Please use BuildPlayer (BuildPlayerOptions buildPlayerOptions) instead.

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