Version: 2020.1
Cubemap skybox
Procedural skybox

Panoramic skybox

To generate a skybox, the Panoramic Shader wraps a single Texture spherically around the Scene.

Render pipeline compatibility

Feature Built-in Render Pipeline Universal Render Pipeline (URP) High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP)
Panoramic skybox No

Prerequisite Textures

To create a Panoramic skybox, you need a single 2D Texture that uses latitude-longitude (cylindrical) mapping, like so:

To make sure the Texture is 2D:

  1. In the Project window, select the Texture.
  2. In the Inspector, make sure the Texture Shape is set to 2D.

To generate the best ambient lighting, the Texture should use a high dynamic range (HDR).


Propiedad: Descripción
Tint Color The color to tint the skybox to. Unity adds this color to the Textures to change their appearance without altering the base Texture files.
Exposure Adjusts the skybox’s exposure. This allows you to correct tonal values in the skybox Textures. Larger values produce a more exposed, seemingly brighter, skybox. Smaller values produce a less exposed, seemingly darker, skybox.
Rotation The rotation of the skybox around the positive y-axis. This changes the orientation of your skybox and is useful if you want a specific section of the skybox to be behind a particular part of your Scene.
Spherical (HDR) The Texture this Material spherically wraps around the Scene to represent the sky.For information on how to create a Cubemap Asset from your input Textures, see Cubemap Asset.
Mapping Specifies the method this Material uses to project the Texture to create the skybox. The options are:6 sided: Uses a net format to map the Texture to the skybox.Latitude Longitude Layout: Uses a cylindrical wrapping method to map the Texture to the skybox.
Image Type Specifies the angle around the y-axis that this Material projects the skybox to. The options are:180: Draws the Spherical Texture as a hemisphere with the peak in the direction of the positive z-axis. To change which side of the Scene this Material draws the Texture to, modify the Rotation property. By default, the back of the skybox is black, but this Material can draw a duplicate of the Spherical Texture on the back instead. To do this, enable Mirror on Back.360: Draws the Texture as a full sphere representation that wraps around the entire Scene.
- Mirror on Back Specifies whether the Material should duplicate the Spherical Texture on the back of the skybox instead of drawing it as black.This option only appears when Image Type is set to 180.
Render Queue Determines the order in which Unity draws GameObjects. For more information on Render Queue, see SL-SubShaderTags.
Double Sided Global Illumination Specifies whether the lightmapper accounts for both sides of the geometry when it calculates Global Illumination. When true, if you use the Progressive Lightmapper, back faces bounce light using the same emission and albedo as front faces.
Cubemap skybox
Procedural skybox
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