Version: 2020.2
Custom Events
Analytics Event Tracker

Custom Event scripting

As an alternative to using the AnalyticsEventTracker component, you can send Custom Events directly via script by calling AnalyticsEvent.Custom:

// Reference the Unity Analytics namespace
using UnityEngine.Analytics;

//  Use this call for wherever a player triggers a custom event
AnalyticsEvent.Custom(string customEventName, IDictionary<string, object> eventData);

Analytics.CustomEvent Input Parameters

Nombre Tipo Description
customEventName cadena Name of the custom event. The name cannot include the prefix “unity”, which is reserved for internal Unity Analytics events.
eventData dictionary Additional parameters sent to Unity Analytics at the time the custom event was triggered. eventData keys cannot include the prefix “unity”, which is reserved for internal Unity Analytics events.

The following example sends a Custom Event when a player finds a secret location in a level:

public void ReportSecretFound(int secretID){
    AnalyticsEvent.Custom("secret_found", new Dictionary<string, object>
        { "secret_id", secretID },
        { "time_elapsed", Time.timeSinceLevelLoad }

  • 2018–03–02 Page published

  • 2018–03–02 - Servicio compatible con Unity 5.2 en adelante en esta fecha, pero la compatibilidad de la versión puede estar sujeta a cambios

  • Nuevas características en 5.2

  • Standard Events added as Unity package.

Custom Events
Analytics Event Tracker
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