Version: 2021.1
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Managed stack traces with IL2CPP

When an exception happens in managed code, the stack trace for the exception can help you understand the cause of the exception. However, the managed stack trace might not appear as expected in some cases, as explained below. The stack trace varies depending on the build configuration. ​

Construcciones de depuración

When you use the debug build configuration, IL2CPP reports a reliable managed stack trace, and includes each managed method in the call stack. The stack trace does not include line numbers from the original C# source code. ​

Construcciones de lanzamiento

When you use a release build configuration, IL2CPP might produce a call stack that’s missing one or more managed methods. This is because the C++ compiler has inlined the missing methods. Method inlining is usually good for performance at run time, but it can make call stacks more difficult to understand. IL2CPP always provides at least one managed method on the call stack. This is the method where the exception occurred. It also includes other methods if they are not inlined. ​

Números de línea de código fuente

Las pilas de llamadas IL2CPP no incluyen la información del número de línea del código fuente en las configuraciones de depuración o liberación.

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