Version: 2021.1
iOS Player settings - Other settings
Unity Remote

iOS Player settings - XR settings

Note: Built-in support for XR SDKs is deprecated and will be retired in a future version of Unity. Use the Unity XR Plug-in System instead. For more information, see XR Plug-in Architecture.

Use the XR Settings section to configure how your app behaves in XR.

XR Settings for the Standalone Player
XR Settings for the Standalone Player
Ajuste Función:
Virtual Reality Supported Enable this if your application is a virtual reality application, then add the required VR SDKs to the list.
Virtual Reality SDKs Add and remove Virtual Reality SDKs from the list. This list is only available when the Virtual Reality Supported is enabled.

- To add an SDK to the list, click the plus (+) button.
- To remove an SDK from the list, select it and then click the minus (-) button.

Some of the SDKs provide extra settings that appear here.
Stereo Rendering Mode Choose how you want your app to render for a virtual reality device.
Multi Pass This is the normal rendering mode. Unity renders the Scene twice: first to render the left-eye image, and then again for the right-eye image.
Single Pass Render both eye images at the same time into one packed Render Texture. This means that the whole Scene is only rendered once, which significantly reduces CPU processing time. This setting affects multiple platforms.

  • Support for built-in XR SDKs deprecated in Unity 2019.3.NewIn20193
iOS Player settings - Other settings
Unity Remote
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