Version: 2021.1
Articulation Body
Capsule Collider

Box Collider

The Box Collider is a basic cuboid-shaped collision primitive.


Propiedad: Función:
Is Trigger Si está habilitada, este Collider será usado para eventos de triggering, y será ignorado por el motor de física.
Material Referencia al Physics Material que determina en qué forma este Collider inteactúa con otros.
Center La posición del Collider en el espacio local del objeto.
Size El tamaño del Collider en las direcciones X, Y, Z.


Box Colliders are rectangular cuboids and are useful for items such as crates or chests. However, you can use a thin box as a floor, wall or ramp. The Box Collider is also a useful element in a Compound Collider.

To edit the box’s shape, press the Edit Collider button in the Inspector. To exit the Collider Edit Mode press the Edit Collider button again. A vertex appears in the center of each face of the Box Collider in Edit Mode. To move the vertices, drag them when the mouse is over the vertex to make the Box Collider bigger and smaller.

Articulation Body
Capsule Collider
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