Version: 5.6



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Building options. Multiple options can be combined together.

See Also: BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer.


NonePerform the specified build without any special settings or extra tasks.
DevelopmentBuild a development version of the player.
AutoRunPlayerRun the built player.
ShowBuiltPlayerShow the built player.
BuildAdditionalStreamedScenesBuild a compressed asset bundle that contains streamed scenes loadable with the WWW class.
AcceptExternalModificationsToPlayerUsed when building Xcode (iOS) or Eclipse (Android) projects.
ConnectWithProfilerStart the player with a connection to the profiler in the editor.
AllowDebuggingAllow script debuggers to attach to the player remotely.
SymlinkLibrariesSymlink runtime libraries when generating iOS Xcode project. (Faster iteration time).
UncompressedAssetBundleDon't compress the data when creating the asset bundle.
ConnectToHostSets the Player to connect to the Editor.
EnableHeadlessModeBuild headless Linux standalone.
BuildScriptsOnlyBuild only the scripts of a project.
ForceEnableAssertionsInclude assertions in the build. By default, the assertions are only included in development builds.
CompressWithLz4Use chunk-based Lz4 compression when building the Player.
ForceOptimizeScriptCompilationForce full optimizations for script complilation in Development builds.
StrictModeDo not allow the build to succeed if any errors are reporting during it.
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