public static void Unload ();


Unloads release memory acquired by the Unity Player and keeps current process alive.

Unloads release memory acquired by the Unity Player and keeps current process alive. This is useful when Unity is integrated as a component in another application (for example, to display specific content). When the other application no longer needs Unity, you might want to release the associated memory.

This is currently supported on iOS, Android, and the Universal Windows Platform.

On iOS and Android, unloads the release memory related to Scenes and GameObjects, but keeps a minimal amount of memory that the engine requires. This makes it possible to run Unity again in the same process. For more information, see documentation on Unity as a Library for iOS and Android.

On the Universal Windows Platform, unloads the Unity runtime and release all engine memory. This is similar to quitting, except that the application process doesn't exit.

Note: This method does not return.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// Unload Unity when the user hits escape. Exit is not applied to the application.

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { void Update() { if (Input.GetKey("escape")) { Application.Unload(); } } }
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