Version: 2018.2
public static int AddHostWithSimulator (Networking.HostTopology topology, int minTimeout, int maxTimeout, int port= 0, string ip= null);


topologyThe HostTopology associated with the host.
minTimeoutMinimum simulated delay in milliseconds.
maxTimeoutMaximum simulated delay in milliseconds.
portPort to bind to (when 0 is selected, the OS will choose a port at random).
ipIP address to bind to.


int 作成したホスト Id を返します。


Create a host and configure them to simulate Internet latency (works on Editor and development build only).

An optional host IP address can be provided. This is usually useful on machines where multiple Ethernet cards are available. The simulated latency will vary according to exponential distribution.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Networking;

public class AddHostExample : MonoBehaviour { int channelId; int hostId; void Start() { // Init Transport using default values. NetworkTransport.Init();

// Create a connection_config and add a Channel. ConnectionConfig connection_config = new ConnectionConfig(); channelId = connection_config.AddChannel(QosType.Reliable);

// Create a topology based on the connection config. HostTopology topology = new HostTopology(connection_config, 10);

// Create a host based on the topology we just created, set the delay between 10ms and 200ms, finally bind the socket to port 12345. hostId = NetworkTransport.AddHostWithSimulator(topology, 10, 200, 12345, ""); } }
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