Version: 2018.3
Smooth Height
Terrain Layers

Stamp Terrain

Use the Stamp Terrain tool to stamp a brush shape on top of the current heightmap. To access the tool, click on the Paint Terrain icon, and in the drop-down menu select Stamp Terrain.

Stamp Terrain tool in the Terrain Inspector
Stamp Terrain tool in the Terrain Inspector

With the Stamp Terrain tool you can choose an existing brush and apply it with a single click. Each click raises the Terrain to the set Stamp Height in the shape of the selected brush. To multiply the Stamp Height by a percentage, move the Opacity slider to change its value. For example, a Stamp Height of 200 and an Opacity of 50% sets the height of each stamp to 100.

Stamp Terrain is especially useful if you create a custom brush using a Texture that represents a heightmap with a specific geological feature, such as a hill.

  • 2019–01–29 編集レビュー を行って修正されたページ

  • Updated functionality in 2018.3

Smooth Height
Terrain Layers
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