Version: 2019.4
public LogType filterLogType ;



filterLogType を設定することによって

LogType.Log (default setting) will display all log messages.

LogType.Warning will display Warning, Assert, Error and Exception log messages.

LogType.Assert will display Assert, Error and Exception log messages.

LogType.Error will display Error and Exception log messages.

LogType.Exception will display Exception log messages.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class MyGameClass : MonoBehaviour { private static ILogger logger = Debug.unityLogger; private static string kTAG = "MyGameTag";

void Start() { if (Debug.isDebugBuild) logger.filterLogType = LogType.Log; else logger.filterLogType = LogType.Warning;

logger.Log(kTAG, "This log will be displayed only in debug build"); logger.LogError(kTAG, "This log will be displayed in debug and release build"); } }
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