Version: 2020.1
言語: 日本語
public static int GetInt (string key);
public static int GetInt (string key, int defaultValue= 0);


key Name of key to read integer from.
defaultValue Integer value to return if the key is not in the storage.


int The value stored in the preference file.


キーが存在する場合、key に対応する値を取得します。

キーが存在しない場合、defaultValue を返します。

See Also: SetInt.

// A small editor window that allows an integer value to be
// read and written to the EditorPrefs online storage.
// SetIntExample is the name of the int to read/write.

using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;

public class ExampleClass : EditorWindow { int intValue = 42;

[MenuItem("Examples/Prefs.GetInt Example")] static void Init() { ExampleClass window = (ExampleClass)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ExampleClass)); window.Show(); }

void OnGUI() { int temp; temp = EditorPrefs.GetInt("SetIntExample", -1); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Current stored value: " + temp.ToString()); intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Value to write to Prefs: ", intValue); if (GUILayout.Button("Save value: " + intValue.ToString())) { EditorPrefs.SetInt("SetIntExample", intValue); Debug.Log("SetInt: " + intValue); } } }
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