class in UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetImporters
This is a default implementation for AssetPostProcessor.OnPreprocessMaterialDescription, this implementation converts material descriptions imported from .3DS assets into materials for the internal rendering pipeline.
assetImporter | インポートしようとしている AssetImporter を参照します |
assetPath | インポートされたアセットと、インポートしようとしているアセットに対してのパスを取得します |
context | The import context. |
GetPostprocessOrder | インポート処理される順番を設定します |
GetVersion | アセットのポストプロセッサーのバージョンを返します |
LogError | コンソールにエラーログを表示します |
LogWarning | コンソールに警告ログを表示します |
OnAssignMaterialModel | ソースマテリアルをフィードします。 |
OnPostprocessAllAssets | 任意の数のアセットのインポートが完了した後に呼び出されます(アセットの進捗バーが最後まで到達したとき) |
OnPostprocessAnimation | This function is called when an AnimationClip has finished importing. |
OnPostprocessAssetbundleNameChanged | アセットが他のアセットバンドルに指定される場合に呼び出されるハンドラー |
OnPostprocessAudio | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification when an audio clip has completed importing. |
OnPostprocessCubemap | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification just before a cubemap texture has completed importing. |
OnPostprocessGameObjectWithAnimatedUserProperties | This function is called when the animation curves for a custom property are finished importing. |
OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties | インポートファイルで少なくとも 1つのユーザープロパティーがアタッチされた各ゲームオブジェクトに対して呼び出されます。 |
OnPostprocessMaterial | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification when a Material asset has completed importing. |
OnPostprocessMeshHierarchy | This function is called when a new transform hierarchy has finished importing. |
OnPostprocessModel | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification when a model has completed importing. |
OnPostprocessSpeedTree | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification when a SpeedTree asset has completed importing. |
OnPostprocessSprites | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification when an texture of sprite(s) has completed importing. |
OnPostprocessTexture | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification when a texture has completed importing just before. |
OnPreprocessAnimation | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification just before animation from a model (.fbx, .mb file etc.) is imported. |
OnPreprocessAsset | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification just before any Asset is imported. |
OnPreprocessAudio | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification just before an audio clip is being imported. |
OnPreprocessMaterialDescription | Add this function to a subclass to recieve a notification when a material is imported from a Model Importer. |
OnPreprocessModel | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification just before a model (.fbx, .mb file etc.) is imported. |
OnPreprocessSpeedTree | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification just before a SpeedTree asset (.spm file) is imported. |
OnPreprocessTexture | Add this function to a subclass to get a notification just before the texture importer is run. |