Version: 2020.1
言語: 日本語


public void SetRayTracingConstantBufferParam (Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader rayTracingShader, int nameID, ComputeBuffer buffer, int offset, int size);


rayTracingShader The RayTracingShader to set parameter for.
nameID The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID.
buffer The buffer to bind as constant buffer.
offset The offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.MinConstantBufferAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0.
size The number of bytes to bind.


Adds a command to set a constant buffer on a RayTracingShader.

The constant buffer specified as argument can be used only by the shaders defined inside the .raytrace file associated with the RayTracingShader. If the constant buffer needs to be visible in all ray tracing shader passes (hit groups in DirectX Raytracing terminology) then CommandBuffer.SetGlobalConstantBuffer or Shader.SetGlobalConstantBuffer must be used.

See RayTracingShader.SetConstantBuffer for usage.

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