Version: 2021.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEditor





AssetSettingsProvider is a specialization of the SettingsProvider class that converts legacy settings to Unified Settings. Legacy settings include any settings that used the Inspector to modify themselves, such as the *.asset files under the ProjectSettings folder. Under the hood, AssetSettingsProvider creates an Editor for specific Assets and builds the UI for the Settings window by wrapping the Editor.OnInspectorGUI function.

Internally we use this class to wrap our existing settings.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

// Create a new type of Settings Asset. class MyCustomSettings : ScriptableObject { public const string k_MyCustomSettingsPath = "Assets/Editor/MyCustomSettings.asset";

[SerializeField] private int m_Number;

[SerializeField] private string m_SomeString;

internal static SerializedObject GetSettings() { var settings = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MyCustomSettings>(k_MyCustomSettingsPath); if (settings == null) { settings = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<MyCustomSettings>(); settings.m_Number = 42; settings.m_SomeString = "The answer to the universe"; AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(settings, k_MyCustomSettingsPath); }

return new SerializedObject(settings); } }

[CustomEditor(typeof(MyCustomSettings))] class MyCustomSettingsEditor : Editor { // Nothing to do, this uses the Generic Editor to display MyCustomSettings properties }

class AssetSettingsProviderRegister { [SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider CreateFromFilePath() { // Create an AssetSettingsProvider from a file path: var provider = AssetSettingsProvider.CreateProviderFromAssetPath("Project/AssetSettings/FromFile", MyCustomSettings.k_MyCustomSettingsPath);

// Register keywords from the properties of MyCustomSettings provider.keywords = SettingsProvider.GetSearchKeywordsFromSerializedObject(new SerializedObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(MyCustomSettings.k_MyCustomSettingsPath))); return provider; }

[SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider CreateFromSettingsObject() { // Create an AssetSettingsProvider from a settings object (UnityEngine.Object): var settingsObj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<UnityEngine.Object>(MyCustomSettings.k_MyCustomSettingsPath); var provider = AssetSettingsProvider.CreateProviderFromObject("Project/AssetSettings/FromObject", settingsObj);

// Register keywords from the properties of MyCustomSettings provider.keywords = SettingsProvider.GetSearchKeywordsFromSerializedObject(new SerializedObject(settingsObj)); return provider; }

[SettingsProvider] public static SettingsProvider CreateFromSettingsFromFunctor() { // Create an AssetSettingsProvider from a functor that must return a UnityEngine.Object: var provider = new AssetSettingsProvider("Project/AssetSettings/FromFunctor", () => Editor.CreateEditor(AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<UnityEngine.Object>(MyCustomSettings.k_MyCustomSettingsPath)));

// Register keywords from the properties of MyCustomSettings provider.keywords = SettingsProvider.GetSearchKeywordsFromSerializedObject(new SerializedObject(AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetsAtPath(MyCustomSettings.k_MyCustomSettingsPath))); return provider; } }


settingsEditorEditor providing UI to modify the settings.


AssetSettingsProviderCreates a new AssetSettingsProvider so you can wrap legacy settings (that is, settings that previously appeared in the Inspector).

Public 関数

OnActivateOverrides SettingsProvider.OnActivate for this AssetSettingsProvider.
OnDeactivateOverrides SettingsProvider.OnDeactivate for this AssetSettingsProvider.
OnFooterBarGUIOverrides SettingsProvider.OnFooterBarGUI for this AssetSettingsProvider.
OnGUIOverrides SettingsProvider.OnGUI for this AssetSettingsProvider.
OnTitleBarGUIOverrides SettingsProvider.OnTitleBarGUI for this AssetSettingsProvider. This draws the button bar that contains the "add to preset" and the "help" buttons.

Static 関数

CreateProviderFromAssetPathCreate an AssetSettingsProvider from an asset path.
CreateProviderFromObjectCreate an AssetSettingsProvider from a settings object.
CreateProviderFromResourcePathCreate an AssetSettingsProvider from an asset resource path.



activateHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnActivate.
deactivateHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnDeactivate.
footerBarGuiHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnFooterBarGUI.
guiHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnGUI.
hasSearchInterestHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.HasSearchInterest.
inspectorUpdateHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnInspectorUpdate.
keywordsGets or sets the list of keywords to compare against what the user is searching for. When the user enters values in the search box on the Settings window, SettingsProvider.HasSearchInterest tries to match those keywords to this list.
labelGets or sets the display name of the SettingsProvider as it appears in the Settings window. If not set, the Settings window uses last token of SettingsProvider.settingsPath instead.
scopeGets the Scope of the SettingsProvider. The Scope determines whether the SettingsProvider appears in the Preferences window (SettingsScope.User) or the Settings window (SettingsScope.Project).
settingsPathGets Path used to place the SettingsProvider in the tree view of the Settings window. The path should be unique among all other settings paths and should use "/" as its separator.
titleBarGuiHandlerOverrides SettingsProvider.OnTitleBarGUI.

Public 関数

HasSearchInterestChecks whether the SettingsProvider should appear when the user types something in the Settings window search box. SettingsProvider tries to match the search terms (even partially) to any of the SettingsProvider.keywords. The search is case insensitive.
OnInspectorUpdateOnInspectorUpdate is called at 10 frames per second to give the inspector a chance to update. See EditorWindow.OnInspectorUpdate for more details.
RepaintRequest the SettingsWindow for a repaint.

Static 関数

GetSearchKeywordsFromGUIContentPropertiesExtract search keywords from all public static memebers in a specific Type.
GetSearchKeywordsFromPathExtract search keywords from the serialized properties of an Asset at a specific path.
GetSearchKeywordsFromSerializedObjectExtract search keywords from from the serialized properties of a SerializedObject.
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