Version: 2021.2
言語: 日本語


struct in UnityEngine.Rendering


DrawingSettings describes how to sort visible objects (sortingSettings) and which shader passes to use (shaderPassName).

See Also: ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers, ScriptableRenderContext.Cull, FilteringSettings.

Static 変数

maxShaderPassesThe maxiumum number of passes that can be rendered in 1 DrawRenderers call.


enableDynamicBatchingControls whether dynamic batching is enabled.
enableInstancingControls whether instancing is enabled.
fallbackMaterialSets the Material to use for any drawers in this group that don't meet the requirements.
mainLightIndexConfigures what light should be used as main light.
overrideMaterialSets the Material to use for all drawers that would render in this group.
overrideMaterialPassIndexSelects which pass of the override material to use.
perObjectDataWhat kind of per-object data to setup during rendering.
sortingSettingsHow to sort objects during rendering.


DrawingSettingsCreate a draw settings struct.

Public 関数

GetShaderPassNameGet the shader passes that this draw call can render.
SetShaderPassNameSet the shader passes that this draw call can render.
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