Version: 2021.3
言語: 日本語
public static string[] GetDependencies (string pathName);
public static string[] GetDependencies (string pathName, bool recursive);


pathName 依存関係があるアセットへのパス。
recursive Controls whether this method recursively checks and returns all dependencies including indirect dependencies (when set to true), or whether it only returns direct dependencies (when set to false).


string[] 依存関係があるアセットすべてのパス。


Returns an array of all the assets that are dependencies of the asset at the specified pathName.

Note: GetDependencies() gets the Assets that are referenced by other Assets. For example, a Scene could contain many GameObjects with a Material attached to them. In this case, GetDependencies() will return the path to the Material Assets, but not the GameObjects as those are not Assets on your disk.

If recursive is true, the list returned will also include the input path itself. Note that this function returns all assets that are referenced by the input asset; these references are not necessarily required during the build process.

public static string[] GetDependencies (string[] pathNames);
public static string[] GetDependencies (string[] pathNames, bool recursive);


pathNames 依存関係があるアセットへのパス。
recursive Controls whether this method recursively checks and returns all dependencies including indirect dependencies (when set to true), or whether it only returns direct dependencies (when set to false).


string[] 依存関係があるアセットすべてのパス。


Returns an array of the paths of assets that are dependencies of all the assets in the list of pathNames that you provide.

Note: GetDependencies() gets the Assets that are referenced by other Assets. For example, a Scene could contain many GameObjects with a Material attached to them. In this case, GetDependencies() will return the path to the Material Assets, but not the GameObjects as those are not Assets on your disk.

If recursive is true, the list returned will also include the input paths themselves. Note that this function returns all assets that are referenced by the input asset; these references are not necessarily required during the build process.

using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

public class GetDependenciesExample : MonoBehaviour { [MenuItem("APIExamples/GetDependencies")] static void GetAllDependenciesForScenes() { var allScenes = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:Scene"); string[] allPaths = new string[allScenes.Length]; int curSceneIndex = 0;

foreach (var guid in allScenes) { var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid); allPaths[curSceneIndex] = path; ++curSceneIndex; }

var dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(allPaths);

StringBuilder dependenciesString = new StringBuilder(); dependenciesString.AppendLine();

foreach (var curDependency in dependencies) { dependenciesString.Append(curDependency); dependenciesString.AppendLine(); }

Debug.Log("All dependencies for Scenes in Project: " + dependenciesString); } }
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