Version: 2022.1
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEditor.Search



Provides various utility functions that are used by SearchProvider.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEditor.Search;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// Custom provider showing how to implement a custom Query Engine supporting a Spatial search filter.
/// </summary>
public static class SpatialProvider
    internal static string type = "spl";
    internal static string displayName = "Spatial";

    static GameObject[] s_GameObjects;
    static QueryEngine<GameObject> s_QueryEngine;

    internal static SearchProvider CreateProvider()
        return new SearchProvider(type, displayName)
            active = false,
            filterId = "spl:",
            onEnable = OnEnable,
            fetchItems = (context, items, provider) => SearchItems(context, provider),
            fetchLabel = FetchLabel,
            fetchDescription = FetchDescription,
            fetchThumbnail = FetchThumbnail,
            fetchPreview = FetchPreview,
            trackSelection = TrackSelection,
            isExplicitProvider = false,

    static void OnEnable()
        s_GameObjects = SearchUtils.FetchGameObjects().ToArray();
        s_QueryEngine = new QueryEngine<GameObject>();

        // Id supports all operators
        s_QueryEngine.AddFilter("id", go => go.GetInstanceID());
        // Name supports only :, = and !=
        s_QueryEngine.AddFilter("n", go =>, new[] {":", "=", "!="});

        // Add distance filtering. Does not support :.
        s_QueryEngine.AddFilter("dist", DistanceHandler, DistanceParamHandler, new[] {"=", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="});

    static IEnumerator SearchItems(SearchContext context, SearchProvider provider)
        var query = s_QueryEngine.Parse(context.searchQuery);
        if (!query.valid)
            yield break;

        var filteredObjects = query.Apply(s_GameObjects);
        foreach (var filteredObject in filteredObjects)
            yield return provider.CreateItem(filteredObject.GetInstanceID().ToString(), null, null, null, filteredObject.GetInstanceID());

    static string FetchLabel(SearchItem item, SearchContext context)
        if (item.label != null)
            return item.label;

        var go = ObjectFromItem(item);
        if (!go)

        var transformPath = SearchUtils.GetTransformPath(go.transform);
        var components = go.GetComponents<Component>();
        if (components.Length > 2 && components[1] && components[components.Length - 1])
            item.label = $"{transformPath} ({components[1].GetType().Name}..{components[components.Length - 1].GetType().Name})";
        else if (components.Length > 1 && components[1])
            item.label = $"{transformPath} ({components[1].GetType().Name})";
            item.label = $"{transformPath} ({})";

        return item.label;

    static string FetchDescription(SearchItem item, SearchContext context)
        var go = ObjectFromItem(item);
        return (item.description = SearchUtils.GetHierarchyPath(go));

    static Texture2D FetchThumbnail(SearchItem item, SearchContext context)
        var obj = ObjectFromItem(item);
        if (obj == null)
            return null;

        return item.thumbnail = GetThumbnailForGameObject(obj);

    static Texture2D FetchPreview(SearchItem item, SearchContext context, Vector2 size, FetchPreviewOptions options)
        var obj = ObjectFromItem(item);
        if (obj == null)
            return item.thumbnail;

        var assetPath = SearchUtils.GetHierarchyAssetPath(obj, true);
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetPath))
            return item.thumbnail;

        if (options.HasFlag(FetchPreviewOptions.Large))
            if (AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(obj) is Texture2D tex)
                return tex;
        return GetAssetPreviewFromPath(assetPath, size, options);

    static void TrackSelection(SearchItem item, SearchContext context)
        var obj = ObjectFromItem(item);
        if (obj)
            Selection.activeGameObject = obj;
        if (SceneView.lastActiveSceneView != null)

    static float DistanceHandler(GameObject go, Vector3 p)
        return (go.transform.position - p).magnitude;

    static Vector3 DistanceParamHandler(string param)
        if (param == "selection")
            var centerPoint = Selection.gameObjects.Select(go => go.transform.position).Aggregate((v1, v2) => v1 + v2);
            centerPoint /= Selection.gameObjects.Length;
            return centerPoint;

        if (param.StartsWith("[") && param.EndsWith("]"))
            param = param.Trim('[', ']');
            var vectorTokens = param.Split(',');
            var vectorValues = vectorTokens.Select(token => float.Parse(token, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat)).ToList();
            while (vectorValues.Count < 3)
            return new Vector3(vectorValues[0], vectorValues[1], vectorValues[2]);

        var obj = s_GameObjects.FirstOrDefault(go => == param);
        if (!obj)
        return obj.transform.position;

    static GameObject ObjectFromItem(SearchItem item)
        var instanceID = Convert.ToInt32(;
        var obj = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID) as GameObject;
        return obj;

    static Texture2D GetThumbnailForGameObject(GameObject go)
        var thumbnail = PrefabUtility.GetIconForGameObject(go);
        if (thumbnail)
            return thumbnail;
        return EditorGUIUtility.ObjectContent(go, go.GetType()).image as Texture2D;

    static Texture2D GetAssetPreviewFromPath(string path, Vector2 previewSize, FetchPreviewOptions previewOptions)
        var obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<UnityEngine.Object>(path);
        if (obj == null)
            return null;
        var preview = AssetPreview.GetAssetPreview(obj);
        if (preview == null || previewOptions.HasFlag(FetchPreviewOptions.Large))
            var largePreview = AssetPreview.GetMiniThumbnail(obj);
            if (preview == null || (largePreview != null && largePreview.width > preview.width))
                preview = largePreview;
        return preview;

Static 変数

entrySeparatorsSeparators used to split an entry into indexable tokens.

Static 関数

FetchGameObjectsUtility function to fetch all the game objects in a particular scene.
FindShiftLeftVariationsExtract all variations on a word. As an example: the word hello would have the following variations: h, he, hel, hell, hello.
GetAssetPathReturns the asset path of a search item if any.
GetHierarchyAssetPathGet the path of the scene (or prefab) containing a GameObject.
GetHierarchyPathGet the hierarchy path of a GameObject including the scene name if includeScene is set to true.
GetObjectPathGet the path of a Unity Object. If it is a GameObject or a Component it is the . Else it is the asset name.
GetTransformPathFormat the pretty name of a Transform component by appending all the parent hierarchy names.
MatchSearchGroupsHelper function to match a string against the SearchContext. This will try to match the search query against each token of content (similar to the AddComponent menu workflow).
SelectMultipleItemsSelect and ping multiple objects in the Project Browser.
SplitCamelCaseTokenize a string each capital letter.
SplitEntryComponentsSplit an entry according to a specified list of separators.
SplitFileEntryComponentsSplit a file entry according to a list of separators and find all the variations on the entry name.
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