Note: Unity Remote Config is now available as a preview package. Remote Config is an improved offering that allows you to change the behavior and appearance of your game without requiring a new binary. You can remotely enable or disable features, change the specifics of your game to target specific audiences, or run special events by scheduling new content releases.
Use the Unity Analytics Service Remote Settings feature to change variables in your game or application directly from the Analytics dashboard. For example, if you are concerned that some levels in your game might be too hard or too easy, you can create settings that control the difficulty of your level bosses. Then, if your Analytics data shows that certain level bosses are too tough or too weak, you can tune the gameplay without releasing an update. You can even use segments to apply different settings to different groups of players.
Remote Settings can help you:
After you make changes to your Remote Settings, every computer or device starting a new session of your application downloads the new configuration values. No update to the application is necessary. You can connect Remote Settings to individual GameObject properties, or you can read the key-value pairs directly in code and provide your own logic for handling setting changes.
This section describes creating and changing Remote Settings, and using Remote Settings in a Unity Project.
Find the Remote Settings page under the Optimization section of the Unity Analytics dashboard.
2017–08–28 修正されたページ
2017–08–28 - Service compatible with Unity 5.5 onwards at this date but version compatibility may be subject to change.
New feature in 2017.1 NewIn20171
Added segmented Remote Settings: set different values for different segments in 2017.1