Version: 2022.2
言語: 日本語
Experimental: this API is experimental and might be changed or removed in the future.


class in UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView



実装インターフェース:ICollectibleElement, IEventHandler, IExperimentalFeatures, IResolvedStyle, ISelectable, ITransform, ITransitionAnimations, IVisualElementScheduler



Allows interactive insertion of elements in a named scope.


titleTitle of the group.


GroupGroup constructor.

Public 関数

AcceptsElementWhether an element can be added to this group.
CollectElementsRetrieves a set of graph elements that match a specified condition. The matching graph elements are selected from this group.
FocusTitleTextFieldFocuses the title text field of this group, so that it's editable from the UI.

Protected 関数

OnElementsAddedCalled when elements are added to this group.
OnElementsRemovedCalled when elements are removed from this group.
OnGroupRenamedCalled when this group is renamed.



capabilitiesThe GraphElement's capabilities.
elementTypeColorThe color used for the MiniMap view.
layerThe GraphElement's layer in the graph.
selectedTrue if the GraphElement is currently selected.
showInMiniMapWhether the element is shown in the minimap.
titleThe GraphElement's title.
autoUpdateGeometryEnables or disables the automatic resizing and positioning of the Scope.
containedElementsThe list of GraphElements contained by the Scope.
containedElementsRectThe rect containing the GraphElements encompassed by the Scope. The rect is expressed in local coordinates.
headerContainerReturns the header container for the Scope. Use this header container to customizer the header of the Scope.

Public 関数

GetGlobalCenterGet the GraphElement's center point.
GetPositionGet the GraphElement position.
HitTestSee if point is over the GraphElement.
IsAscendableChecks if the GraphElement is automatically brought to front when selected.
IsCopiableChecks whether the GraphElement is copiable.
IsDroppableThe GraphElement is drag&droppable.
IsGroupableChecks whether the GraphElement is groupable.
IsMovableThe GraphElement is movable.
IsRenamableThe GraphElement is renamable.
IsResizableThe GraphElement is resizable.
IsSelectableThe GraphElement is selectable.
IsSelectedThe GraphElement is currently selected in specific container.
IsSnappableChecks whether the GraphElement is snappable.
IsStackableChecks whether the GraphElement is stackable.
OnSelectedCalled when the GraphElement is selected.
OnUnselectedCalled when the GraphElement is unselected.
ResetLayerReset the GraphElement to its original layer.
SelectSelect the GraphElement.
SetPositionSet the GraphElement position.
UnselectDeselect the GraphElement.
AddElementAdds a GraphElement to the Scope.
AddElementsAdds GraphElements to the Scope.
ContainsElementDetermines if the Scope contains the specified GraphElement.
GetPositionReturns the geometry of the Scope.
HitTestDetermines whether the specified point is within the selectable area of the Scope.
OverlapsDetermines whether the specified rect overlaps the Scope.
RemoveElementRemoves an element from the Scope.
RemoveElementsRemoves elements from the Scope.
RemoveElementsWithoutNotificationRemoves elements from the Scope but do not send a notification.
SetPositionSets the geometry of the Scope.
UpdateGeometryFromContentUpdates the size and position of the Scope based on its contents.

Protected 関数

OnCustomStyleResolvedCalled when the custom style properties are resolved.
ScheduleUpdateGeometryFromContentSchedules the update of the size and position of the Scope based on its contents.
SetScopePositionOnlyChange the position of the scope but does not move its elements.
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