Version: 2022.2
言語: 日本語


class in UnityEditor.Search



The search column provider attribute is used to define new formats for a given column.

Search column formats are equivalent to formats in a spreadsheet application. They define how the data in a column cell is manipulated and displayed.

public static void InitializeColorColumn(SearchColumn column)
    column.drawer = args =>
        if (args.value is Color c)
            return EditorGUI.ColorField(args.rect, GUIContent.none, c, showEyedropper: false, showAlpha: true, hdr: false);
        return args.value;

Here is an example using search column delegates to manipulate the data.

public static void InitializeObjectReferenceColumn(SearchColumn column)
    column.getter = args => GetEnabled(args.item);
    column.drawer = args => DrawEnabled(args);
    column.setter = args => SetEnabled(args);


providerUnique name of the search column provider.
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