Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
public static bool MoveAssetsToTrash (string[] paths, List<string> outFailedPaths);


paths Project relative paths of the assets or folders to be deleted.
outFailedPaths Project relative paths which could not be deleted.


bool Returns true if all assets in paths have successfully been deleted, false if any of the specified paths don't exist or couldn't be removed.


Lets you move multiple assets or folders to trash at once with performance benefits under version control.

Paths should be relative to the project folder, for example: "Assets/MyTextures/hello.png"

This should be used instead of AssetDatabase.MoveAssetToTrash for performance reasons when opearating on many assets at once with active version control integration.

Note that the speedup will only be present when using Asset Database v2. Also note that files which are under version control are not guaranteed to end up in the OS trash bin as they are removed by the versin control system itself.

See Also: AssetDatabase.DeleteAsset, AssetDatabase.MoveAssetToTrash, AssetDatabase.MoveAssetsToTrash.

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