Version: 2022.3
言語: 日本語
public float z ;


ベクトルの Z 成分

// Attach this script to a GameObject
// Create two Input Fields in the Scene (Create>UI>Input Field)
// Click on the GameObject and attach both Input Fields in the Inspector window

using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour { Vector3 m_NewPosition;

// Attach these in the Inspector window public InputField m_InputFieldX, m_InputFieldY, m_InputFieldZ;

// These are the strings that are returned from the InputFields string xString, yString, zString;

// These are used when converting the strings to floats float m_XValue, m_YValue, m_ZValue;

// Use this for initialization void Start() { // Initialise the vector m_NewPosition = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); }

void Update() { // Store the inputs from the InputFields as strings xString = m_InputFieldX.text; yString = m_InputFieldY.text; zString = m_InputFieldZ.text;

// Convert the strings from the InputFields to floats ConvertStringsToFloats(xString, yString, zString);

// Change the NewPosition Vector's x and y components m_NewPosition.x = m_XValue; m_NewPosition.y = m_YValue; m_NewPosition.z = m_ZValue;

// Change the position depending on the vector transform.position = m_NewPosition; }

void ConvertStringsToFloats(string XVal, string YVal, string ZVal) { try { // Convert the strings to floats m_XValue = float.Parse(XVal); m_YValue = float.Parse(YVal); m_ZValue = float.Parse(ZVal); } catch{} } }
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