Version: 2023.1
言語: 日本語
Type selectors
Class selectors

Name selectors

USS name selectors match elements based on the name of an element. USS Name selectors are analogous to CSS ID selectors that match elements with a specific id attribute.

To set the name of an element:

  • In C# script, use
  • In UXML, use the name attribute. For example: <VisualElement name="my-nameName">.

To avoid unexpected matches, make element names unique within a panel.


Name セレクターは、要素に割り当てられた名前の前に、数字の記号 (#) を付けたものです。

#ElementName { ... }

Note: Only use the number sign (#) when you write the selector in a USS file. Don’t use it when you assign the name to an element in a UXML or C# file. An element name that includes the number sign is invalid. For example <Button name="#OK" /> is invalid.

To demonstrate how simple selectors match elements, here is an example UI Document.

<UXML xmlns="UnityEngine.UIElements">
  <VisualElement name="container1">
    <VisualElement name="container2" class="yellow">
      <Button name="OK" class="yellow" text="OK" />
      <Button name="Cancel" text="Cancel" />

With no styles applied, the UI looks like the following:

Example buttons with margins and thin blue borders.
Example buttons with margins and thin blue borders.

The following name selector style rule matches the second Button element.

# Cancel {
    border-width: 2px;
    border-color: DarkRed;
    background-color: pink;

The UI looks like the following when you apply the style:

The Cancel button has a dark red border and a pink background.
The Cancel button has a dark red border and a pink background.


Type selectors
Class selectors
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